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Women’s Sexual Assault Support Centre – Edinburgh

About Us

Why “Beira’s Place”?
Beira [pronounced By-ra] is the Scottish goddess of winter. She rules over the dark part of the year, handing over to her sister, Bride, when summer comes again. Beira represents female wisdom, power, and regeneration. Hers is a strength that endures during the difficult times, but her myth contains the promise that they will not last forever.

Beira’s Place is a new sexual violence support project based in Edinburgh but covering the whole Lothian region. We deliver a trauma informed service to women survivors of sexual abuse from aged 16 years, no matter when that sexual violence or abuse has happened in their lives. We support women who have experienced:

Sexual assault
Sexual harassment
Intimate partner sexual violence
Sexual exploitation
Childhood sexual abuse
Online sexual abuse, image based sexual abuse, or ‘revenge porn’
Sexual abuse in prostitution
Sexual coercion
Beira’s Place has been set up in response to demand from female survivors for a women-only service, as one is currently not available in the area.

An Exclusive Interview with JK Rowling about her New Project

SUZANNE MOORE – 12 December 2022 – Letters from Suzanne

When J. K. Rowling tells you she has something up her sleeve that she wants to show you – a brand new project that no one knows about – it’s worth getting on a train to Edinburgh for. Is she branching out into a completely new genre? Is she giving up writing? Is she emigrating?   

I have no idea.  

The Jo I know slightly has both a huge public presence and a well-protected private life. She said she wanted to sit down and talk about feminism one-to-one, because we never have. So, over coffee and biscuits, we did just that.   

“Let’s talk for a while,” she said, “and then I will show you what I have been up to.”   

From the moment I had heard her say that we were living through the most misogynistic period of her lifetime, I wanted to know what she meant, 

“If you’d have shown me when I was 18 what young girls would be dealing with now – what we’d all be dealing with, but particularly young girls – I would have been horrified. Because when you’re 18, you assume this can only get better – like, we’ve got these rights and we’ve got all these amazing women doing feminist analysis, and it will change, it really will change. By the time I’m my mother’s age, I thought, my daughters will have it so much easier.   

“But now I think we’ve gone backwards. I think we’re living through a nightmare.”  …

Mridul Wadhwa, SACRO and the £1.4 million contract

JL – 14 August, 2021 – The Glinner Update

Mridul Wadhwa is the trans-identified male CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. As has been much reported, he made some deeply alarming comments when appearing on The Guilty Feminist podcast earlier this month.

The Times Scotland @thetimesscot

We have reported on Mridul Wadhwa in the past, making the following points:

  • He has no GRC so is still legally male.
  • He lied about his sex to secure a job at Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre.
  • He objected to an amendment allowing rape victims to choose the sex of the medical clinician examining them.
  • Pursuing political ambitions, he took a place on an SNP all-women shortlist.
  • He has demonstrated a shocking lack of knowledge regarding legislation that affects women’s services, a sector in which he’s worked for over a decade.
  • He is ‘disappointed’ by the single-sex provisions allowed for in the Equality Act 2010 and finds them ‘discriminatory’ against transwomen.
  • He sided with serial litigant and period-obsessed paedophile, Jonathan Yaniv, against a group of migrant women.
  • He seems to think it suitable to discuss whether rape victims experience orgasm….

Could JK Rowling’s latest venture be the final nail in the coffin for her reputation?

RYAN COOGAN – 15 December 2022- The Independent

After a certain point you have to wonder if JK Rowling is under the impression that the word “transgender” means something completely different, like “spider-person”.

Like one day she mixed up a news article with one of her manuscripts and got the whole thing backwards, and now she’s sat there wondering why there are so many columns out there defending the rights of trans people when all they want to do is trap our children in their webs, and lay eggs in our mouths.

All of her complaints about the trans community seem perfectly reasonable once you reframe them as a fight against the oncoming scourge of the arachnoids. Who cares if she trashes her reputation in the process? Hell, if anything, she isn’t being arachnophobic enough.

I’m being cute, but up until about a year ago, I held out hope that Rowling was somehow misunderstood or that I just “read her out of context”, as her defenders keep insisting. But I’ve given her the benefit of the doubt, and I’ve seen the context, and if anything it just makes things worse as time goes on. It’s a shame, because she gave me a lot of great memories as a kid, but for me at least, a point has been reached where her stance on trans people makes her pretty much irredeemable…

Trans Rights Activists do their thing

GRAHAM LINEHAN – December 2022 – The Glinner Update

Did you think today’s JK Rowling’s initiative today was a selfless gesture to help vulnerable women like the one she once was? Well, guess again! The “Be Kind” Wehrmacht is here to educate you! Ah yes, one thing Posie Parker and I have in common is a complete trust in trans rights activists to do the thing that massively undermines their cause. But boy, they really came through this time! Let’s see what hot takes a female-only rape crisis centre provoked in the Most Marginalised People On Earth.

Over to our first caller, Botox Chucky!

Trans people can go to one of the many facilities under the control of your mate, Midrul Wadha, who said that eternally memorable and compassionate line “sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well” and who we wrote about a year ago to absolutely zero interest from a media determined to look the other way….

More Trans Activist responses to a female-only rape crisis centre

GRAHAM LINEHAN – December 2022 – The Glinner Update

Scott Wortley @Scott_Wortley

Why are so many men angry about single sex services for survivors of sexual assault?6:44 PM ∙ Dec 12, 20223,416Likes323Retweets

“Let’s grab the web address to fuck them over!”

The desperate terfwives hate me @AwokeRoseArisen

@WhatTheTrans The website is still up for grabs.

3:02 PM ∙ Dec 12, 2022

Hatred spat onto the page