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Physiotherapist, Comedian & Activist


ELAINE MILLER – About – Gusset Grippers

Fellow of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Award Winning Comedian…and recovered incontinent.

Elaine Miller is a pelvic physiotherapist – she is passionate about pelvic floors and most of her clinic days are spent elbow deep in leaky ladies.

​Gusset Grippers was written by Elaine in a fit of temper because so many people with troubles “down below” do not seek help. “People think leaking is an inevitable consequence of ageing or parenthood, and that’s just not true” says Elaine. “Making people laugh about something embarrassing means they will talk about it, and talking is kryptonite to taboos”.

​”The problem is not that women leak, the problem is that they don’t know help is available” she says “so, I did the obvious thing and combined my hobby of stand up with work – and wrote a show that tells women what I’d tell them in clinic….


Protest at Holyrood – “… if this Parliament will not respect the rights of women, then you have no decency…”

Elaine Miller – Merkin Maker

Explaining her protest at Holyrood – 22 December 2022