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Feminist praised by JK Rowling says cops threatened to detain her for ‘breach of peace’

MARTIN ROBINSON – 17 May 2022 -The Daily Mail

The feminist attacked by balaclava-clad trans activists was today revealed as a gender critical chef from Nottingham who claims police threatened her with arrest – not the masked mob.

Greater Manchester Police has come under fire for the incident that saw Aleks Kovacevic, 44, ‘manhandled’ by a gang next to the city’s statue of Emmeline Pankhurst in St Peter’s Square.

The feminist has said the scuffle lasted for around a minute and she was pushed on to a wall by a group of men, or trans men, who also grabbed her arms as she waved her purple, white and green suffragette flag. Today footage of her being punched in St Ann’s Square, Manchester, in March also emerged, although trans activists accused Aleks of kicking a trans woman and insisting on calling her a man.

After the Pankhurst stand-off she won praise from JK Rowling, who shared the footage of incident on Twitter and said: ‘I never expected the right side of history to include so many people in masks intimidating and assaulting women, did you? But she never dropped her flag. Emmeline would be proud.’   

‘We are literally a group of five middle-aged women. I climbed on the wall and one of (the counter-protesters) clung on to my leg and tried to pull me off, but when I jumped off the wall three of them just attacked me’, Ms Kovacevic told The Daily Telegraph. 

‘The police officer was really strange about it, he told me that if it happened again I would be arrested for causing a breach of peace. Nothing was done. That whole scuffle lasted a full minute, my friends and another guy had to separate it.

‘The police came and told me that I needed to move, but my friend told me I didn’t need to move and I said “yes, as a matter of fact, I don’t have to move, I have the right to sit here” – and he told me if anything happens I will be arrested for causing a breach of the peace’.

The attitude of police has been criticised by Fair Cop, a group that works with UK forces to help protect freedom of speech. The group’s barrister and cofounder Sarah Phillimore said: ‘It is sadly not remarkable that the police chose to lecture a woman rather than protect her. It’s an inevitable consequence of a politicised police force’….

Trans rights ‘activists’ give protesters a bad name

SUZANNE MOORE – 17 May 2022 – The Spectator

What did you do at the weekend? “Oh I got myself a balaclava, dressed in black, put a noose with trans colours on it around the neck of a statue of Emmeline Pankhurst and posed for a picture with it.”

I don’t know the names of the people in the photos that emerged from Manchester city centre this weekend. I don’t know if they think they have done trans people an enormous favour with this cosplay of being members of some kind of militant force. “Black Pampers” as one wit described them on Twitter.

I do know that intimidating women is not a good look. And that it is more than a pose.

There is also a video circulating from the same day. A woman calmly holds up a suffragette flag in front of the statue. It appears she is being physically threatened by these morons. A policeman stands around, not doing much. These images are properly shocking whatever your particular beliefs about women’s rights…