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Standing for Women Event


Police threaten to arrest women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen …

DAN SALES – 22 November 2022 – Mail Online

Sussex Police has threatened a women right’s group founder with a hate crime arrest after a rally two months ago where her group was attacked by pro-trans activists.

The force told mother-of-four Kellie-Jay Keen an allegation made about her that she used ‘words or behaviour to stir up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation’ was now being investigated.

In an extraordinary phone call released by Standing For Women founder Kellie-Jay, one officer said she could be arrested if she did not attend a ‘voluntary’ interview.


Detailed thread

Joyce activated, issue 21

HELEN JOYCE – 22 September 2022 – Joyce Activated

Last weekend, I went to Brighton to attend the Standing For Women rally organised by Kellie-Jay Keen, aka Posie Parker. I’ve intended to go to one of these several times, only to be frustrated by badly timed illnesses, appointments or travel. So I was pleased to make this one, which had something of a “belly of the beast” feel to it. (For American readers, Brighton is the nearest Britain has to San Francisco).

I didn’t find it difficult to decide to go, but doing so has provoked a lot of criticism from people I like and respect—some of it in public, some through back channels. Many of the women on the same side as me in the gender wars disapprove strongly of Posie. Some try to convince their fellow-travellers to stay away from her, and her events. As complaints and criticisms continue, I’ve struggled to write this newsletter—indeed, I’ve written and deleted many thousands of words. That’s why it’s a bit late, for which apologies.

First, I’ll tell you a bit about what it was like. Posie’s events all follow the same pattern: stake out a patch of ground, set up an amp (small, totally inadequate if there’s a protest) and let any woman who wants take the mic. This time, there was a protest, and it was noisy. Among the protesters was a fair contingent of black-clad masked men, some with large trans flags and some with what some Googling revealed was the “Queer Anarchist” flag (it’s the pink and black one). They threw smoke bombs—one went off right next to Maya Forstater as she spoke—and glitter bombs—Aja, one of the Let Women Speak stewards, caught the force of one in her dreadlocks. But mostly they just blew foghorns and the like, and chanted slogans (trans women are women; All TERFs are cunts; that sort of thing; my favourite counter-chant was: Your mum’s a TERF)…

Three arrests made during Kellie-Jay Keen rally in Brighton

GEORGE CARDEN – 19 September 2022 – The Argus

THREE arrests were made at a rally in one of the city’s parks including one on suspicion of sexual assault.

Sussex Police confirmed that one woman and two men were arrested at Victoria Gardens in Brighton this afternoon.

The arrests were made during a rally from “let women speak” campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen.

Ms Keen, also known as Posie Parker, announced she was visiting Brighton as part of her “Speaker’s Corner tour” across the country.

Hundreds were at the park, as well as dozens of police.

One group were there supporting Ms Keen, while the other group were there to show Ms Keen that “she is not welcome here”.

A Sussex Police spokeswoman said: “An event and counter-protest took place in Brighton City Centre on Sunday, September 19.

“A woman and two men were arrested; one on suspicion of assault, one on suspicion of obstructing a police officer and one on suspicion of sexual assault by touching.

“They have all been taken to custody.”…