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No Child Is Born In The Wrong Body

About Us


Transgender Trend – Who Are We?

We are an organisation of parents, professionals and academics based in the UK who are concerned about the current trend to diagnose children as transgender, including the unprecedented number of teenage girls suddenly self-identifying as ‘trans’ (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria or ROGD). We are also concerned about legislation which places transgender rights above the right to safety for girls and young women in public toilets and changing rooms along with fairness for girls in sport.

We have no religious or political affiliation. We come from diverse backgrounds, and our team includes teachers and safeguarding professionals, academics and parents, some of whom were themselves extreme gender non-conforming children and adolescents, some whose own children have self-diagnosed as ‘trans’ and some who know supportive trans adults who are also questioning recent theories of ‘transgenderism.’ Unfortunately because of the current climate our team members have to remain anonymous for the protection of their children or their jobs.

Why ‘Transgender Trend’?

Parents were telling us that this was the search term they were using to find alternative information about the sudden phenomenon of ‘transgender children’, as the only information they could find online came from transgender lobby groups. Our goal was to collate evidence-based research and studies to help explain the sudden upwards trend of referrals of children and adolescents to the Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), a trend which is reflected in the US, Canada, Australia and throughout Europe.

We are concerned that the increased public awareness of transgender issues has led to parents worrying unnecessarily about normal childhood behaviours. We wanted to create a site which balanced the sudden slew of cheerleading media stories with some research and facts which challenge the prevailing acceptance of an ideology which is new, untested, and invariably based on personal belief systems.

We also want to provide information on legislation regarding the use of public toilets, bathrooms and changing rooms for parents who are concerned about the child protection and safeguarding issues this raises…



Fact & Fiction Webinar 9 June 2022 – Youtube Playlist