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Organisation – Women’s Rights


SEX MATTERS – About – About Sex Matters

Sex Matters is a UK-based not-for-profit organisation. We campaign, advocate and produce resources to promote clarity about sex in public policy, law and culture. We have a singular mission: to re-establish that sex matters in rules, laws, policies, language and culture.

Our vision

  • Sex matters. Organisations and the state should be clear that sex means biological sex. Being able to recognise reality in our language, rules and systems is essential to law making and enforcement, and to social organisation. It is essential to a functioning, cohesive society.
  • Individuals should be free to hold and express diverse beliefs, and to express themselves about sex and gender identity, without sanctions or being labelled hateful. 
  • Debates and deliberation about how best to accommodate and respect the human rights of people with different beliefs about gender identity should be undertaken openly, based on standard principles of democratic debate, evidenced analysis and human rights.

Our mission

We champion clarity about sex – in language, rules, laws, policies and culture, as a means to underpin everybody’s human rights. 

We support people to be clear about what sex means and when it matters in their own institutions, and to resist pressure towards ambiguity and dishonesty about sex, and to help them understand the laws that protect them. 

We hold organisations to account for communicating and implementing clear policies, making it easier for them to do the right thing. 

We campaign for laws, policies and practices that are clear about sex, and that enable people to live as they choose in relation to gender expression and beliefs about gender identity. 

We work with others campaigning on this issue to amplify their work and enable more people to get involved.

We will have an initial focus in the UK, but also engage internationally…

