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Forced teaming in Port Townsend, WA

The Distance – Substack

MATT OSBORNE – 4 August 2022 – The Distance

She was startled by the voice of a man while she was in the shower.

Rinsing off after her usual laps at the Port Townsend, Washington community pool, Julie Jaman, a pillar of her community and mother of two adult daughters, heard a man talking.

Poking her head out of the plastic sheet between herself and the man, she saw him wearing a women’s swimsuit, supervising little girls as they stripped off their own swimsuits to pee.

“Do you have a penis?” She asked him.

Naive, unassuming, unversed in the new religion of Genderism, unaware that wokeness has quietly abolished all privacy rights for women and girls in Washington, Julie had unwittingly invoked the righteous wrath of a new American priest class. “None of your business,” the man replied. His name, she would later learn, is Clementine.

“You need to leave,” she said, thinking of herself as well as the girls.

Rowen DeLuna, a young female staffer, was nearby. Instead of defusing the situation, however, she immediately escalated it, accusing Julie of disrespecting YMCA values.

Moments later in the lobby, Julie was informed that that police were on the way to arrest her, presumably for proper reeducation in the new politics of “gender identity.”

She left instead, stopping at the town’s tiny police station next door to check in. It was only when she talked to the regional YMCA director on the phone later that day that Julie learned the staff had put words in her mouth: “You are going to use your penis to fuck those little girls.”

“I am an 80 year-old woman and I do not talk like that,” Julie responded. In retrospect, she says “there was something amiss in the integrity of the staff.” No charges have been filed against her.

A story in the Port Townsend Free Press reports that Julie observed the man “touching” the girls. Julie says she did not make this allegation to police as reported.

Nevertheless, CEO Wendy Bart found the charge of blasphemy credible and permanently banned Julie from the pool.

Apparently, YMCA values now require staff to help men access women and girls in vulnerable states of undress and have elderly women arrested for resisting.

The change took place without notice. As Bart now informed Julie, however, signage about “pride” and “inclusion” was fair warning she should not ask a man to remove himself from the shower area while she got dressed. Tut tut!

Julie had heard about controversies involving “gender identity” before this all happened last Tuesday, but paid them no mind. Now she is laser-focused on the administrative abolition of normal safeguarding practices at her local YMCA.

After 35 years as a member, yesterday she picketed the pool alongside a few supportive friends. “This is what I’m doing instead of swimming,” she says.

Her petition makes a reasonable, moderate demand that was of course immediately deemed transphobic hate speech.

We, the undersigned, object to men (identifying as women) being allowed to use the traditional women’s shower/dressing room area at Mountain View Pool. The YMCA is discriminating against women and girls who need privacy and safety essential for dignity and well being in the womens changing/showering area. The Y needs to provide a third dressing area designated as gender free.

Speaking at the city council meeting later that day, a friend of Julie objected to the word “discrimination” being used against women protecting themselves in a world full of male violence…


Should Men Be Allowed to Watch Women Shower, Girls Pee at the YMCA? Some Say Yes

MATT OSBORNE – 5 AUGUST 2022 – The Distance

Yesterday we brought you the story of Julie Jaman, an 80 year-old woman banned from the Port Townsend, Washington public pool after she objected to a male in the shower area watching little girls pee as she rinsed off after a swim. Thousands of people have now watched her public statement to the city council.

Which has us wondering: how many people really think it is a good idea to let men watch women shower and little girls pee? Please answer our reader poll so we can have a totally scientific sample of public opinion…

Why is this Man Allowed to Watch Girls Pee, Women Shower at the YMCA Pool?

Meet Clementine Adams, a man

MATT OSBORNE – 16 AUGUST 2022 – The Distance

Here at The Distance, we do not recognize any difference between a man watching your elderly mother shower and a man named Clementine Adams (seen above) watching your elderly mother shower, so we are not using his preferred pronouns.

If this is too much for you to bear, stop reading now, go get your elderly mother, and take a group shower with him together at the YMCA.

By the way, Clementine is sexually attracted to females. He says so right in his social media profiles. Happy showering!…




Tuesday 16th August – ‘Both Sides’ #1

JL – 16 August 2022 – The Glinner Update

PORT TOWNSEND FREE PRESS: A mob of trans activists threatened, intimidated and physically attacked a group of women who had gathered in a town square to talk about their need for female spaces.

A few weeks ago we reported on an incident in Port Townsend, a small town on America’s north west coast. 80-year-old Julie Jarman was in the women’s showers at her local swimming pool when she found that standing right outside her cubicle was a male in a women’s swimming costume who was watching little girls take off their bathing suits. The male in question turned out to be a pool employee, Clementine Adams, who ‘identifies as a woman’ but has yet to undergo any surgery.

Clementine Adams photographed in 2021

When Julie protested Adam’s presence in the women’s changing room, she was accused of ‘transphobia’ and permanently barred from the pool.

This week a group of women’s rights campaigners held a press conference called ‘Let Julie Swim’ outside Port Townsend’s city hall. Members of the public – many of them senior women – gathered to protest Julie’s banishment and to discuss their concerns about the pool’s policy of allowing male access to the female changing room.

Organisers L-R Jennifer Thomas, Gabrielle Clark & Amy Sousa [Photo Credit: Lynn Chadwick]

The meeting was met with extreme hostility from a large group trans activists from the outset. Attendees described a mob of at least 200 people, most of them men, bearing down on about 30-40 women. In the video recording of the event, the vast majority of the voices can be heard are male.

The activists tried to drown out the women’s voices with shouting, jeering, chanting, banging metal implements and blowing whistles. Their behaviour was extremely intimidating and they closed in on the small circle of women who tried to protect themselves by linking arms. The trans activists tore down flags, verbally abused women, snatched and damaged personal property and tried to steal the electrical equipment being used to record and amplify the press conference.

Many women in attendance shared photographs and video footage from the event on social media. They tell their own story. In one photograph a man yells aggressively.

In another photograph, a man wearing a t-shirt depicting a lynched Klu Klux Klan member and bearing the slogan ‘Hang in there baby’, jabs his finger in the face of a black woman….

More Video of the Seething Mob that Assaulted Women in Port Townsend, Washington

Celebrating diversity with misogyny

MATT OSBORNE – 2 September 2022 – The Distance

When Dawn Land arrived at the Port Townsend, Washington City Hall on 15 August, an angry, “threatening” crowd was already waiting. It was 4:01 PM.

“Their goal was to claim that space and fill the city council meeting with their people in order to prevent any of us from speaking,” Land explains. “Unfortunately, they succeeded.”

By the time the city council meeting began, “it would have been dangerous for any of us to walk through the crowd there.”

Land and a small group of less than three dozen people, mostly women in their 70s and 80s, had come to support Julie Jaman, the 80 year-old Port Townsend resident who was recently banned from the city pool for refusing to shower in front of a man.

Whipped into a frenzy by the mayor and the YMCA, which manages the pool, the crowd of hundreds screamed slogans, physically assaulted them, stole and damaged property, all while they “kettled” Dawn and her friends against a brick wall.

After all, their crime was to demand respect for women’s boundaries, so the mob had to punish them by respecting no boundaries at all.

In video clips shared with The Distance, members of the crowd can be seen riding bicycles close to the press conference participants like sharks in the water. Land caught one man on camera “encroaching on the space of a couple of our group.”

“When the male turns around and admonished the antagonizer, he throws his hands up and feigns innocence,” she explains.

As the women began to speak, the crowd waiting outside of City Hall began to cross the street and became aggressive.

“It’s 5:46,” Dawn Land says, “and suddenly, we are cramped for space.”

“There is a crazy, misogynistic man who has thrown himself on the ground among us,” she says. “He’s right behind Amy.”

Clearly disturbed, the man appears in other videos before the press conference dragging his posterior on the ground like a dog with worms.

Here, he can be seen crawling between women’s legs in a clear effort to break boundaries and alarm them. He was later arrested for stealing a woman’s shoe.

“He’s shouting hateful things, he accuses us of pushing him down, when in fact he is pushing all of us. He tries to claim victim, saying we kicked him,” Dawn says.

“When everyone around him calls him out for lying, he doesn’t seem the least bit bothered.”

Also unbothered was the woman holding his hand and comforting him while he performed this ridiculous trauma…


Anti-trans press conference swarmed by protesters

JAMES SLOAN – 17 August 2022 – The Leader

More than 200 people crowded Pope Marine Park and both sides of Water Street in downtown Port Townsend Monday evening in response to the continuing controversy over a transgender YMCA employee at Mountain View Pool.

Port Townsend resident Julie Jaman has been at the center of national media interest since she confronted the YMCA staffer and was subsequently banned from the pool.

Her cause has since been championed by conservative media outlets and others who have been upset about the YMCA allowing the staff member to continue working at the Mountain View Pool.

A press conference called by Jaman’s supporters Monday across from Port Townsend City Hall was quickly overwhelmed by people supporting the YMCA employee and the transgender community.

While the standoff remained mostly civil throughout, tensions slowly rose as the pro-trans crowd surrounded the speakers and distracted from the speeches with chants, loud musical instruments, and a brigade of bikes adorned with Pride flags.

Chants of “Trans women are women” from the massive crowd were met with “We want sex-based rights” from the Jaman supporters.

Tensions between the two sides continued to rise after Jaman gave a speech in front of the crowd. Demonstrators locked arms in a semi-circle as the pro-trans crowd grew louder and closer.

As least one demonstrator was detained by officers from the Port Townsend Police Department and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, who had around 10 members of law enforcement monitoring the situation, and had blocked off a section of Water Street.

Eventually after an hour of speeches, chants, and arguments, anti-trans activist Amy Sousa, Jaman, and their supporters retreated from the park while being escorted by police…

Port Townsend Responds to Transphobic Bullying With Trans-Inclusive Proclamation

HANNAH KRIEG – 16 August 2022 – The Stranger

On Monday night, the Port Townsend City Council and Mayor David Faber delivered a message loud and clear: transphobia is not welcome in Port Townsend.

After a nasty instance of transphobic bullying at the Port Townsend YMCA made national headlines across conservative media, the quiet town refused to cede an inch to transphobic outrage culture. In a much-appreciated symbolic gesture, the Mayor proclaimed the town a welcoming place for transgender people and an unwelcoming place for discrimination of any kind.

Earlier this month, then-YMCA member Julie Jaman took a keen interest in the genitalia of an 18-year-old employee who was helping girls use the bathroom in accordance with the YMCA’s summer camp policy.

In her own widely circulated retelling of the incident, Jaman said she felt concerned about the young trans woman’s presence around children, and so she asked the worker about her genitals. When the worker said that was none of her business, she told the worker to leave the locker room, which violated the YMCA’s code of conduct. Accordingly, staff banned Jaman from the pool.

Jaman then went on a media tour, telling her story to anyone who would sympathize. After she organized a protest at the facility, and after an unusually long and heated public comment period at City Council on Aug. 1, the town looked divided.

But on Monday night, the Mayor and the council emphasized their allyship with transgender Port Townsend residents.

At the council meeting, Faber read aloud: “I, David J. Faber, Mayor of the City of Port Townsend, do hereby proclaim that the City of Port Townsend values our transgender residents and visitors and urges all residents and visitors to be respectful, welcoming, and kind to everyone regardless of gender identity.”

He continued, “I further proclaim that discrimination and prejudice, in any form, particularly against transgender people, are unwelcome and have no place in the City of Port Townsend.”…

Mayor, Police Bear Responsibility for Port Townsend, WA Mobbing of Elderly Women

Such progressive, much woke

MATT OSBORNE – 21 August 2022 – The Distance

Conservative writer and vlogger Robert R. Zerfing, aka “The Common Sense Conservative,” was in Port Townsend Monday to witness and record events as a mob of angry men kettled and assaulted a smaller group, mainly women in their 70s and 80s, against a brick wall. (Click through the video to find his information in the description.)

Instigated by the mayor and members of the city council, the crowd turned violent as police stood by doing nothing. According to witnesses, police cited “instructions” and stood by watching the violence unfold in front of them.


In this clip, one policeman can be heard telling someone to let the participants in the press conference know that they are “free to leave” if they “feel unsafe.” At least three people called 911 to report the emergency before police reluctantly took action.

Various parties are making public records requests under Washington state sunshine laws to determine how many callers were enough to finally embarrass Chief Tom Olson into doing something….