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Opinion – Eliza Mondegreen

ELIZA MONDEGREEN – 29 August 2022 – gender:hacked

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There’s a name for what’s going on here—and it’s not ‘trans genocide.’ It’s called phobia indoctrination.

Phobia indoctrination instills irrational fears in members of a high-control group and uses those fears to manipulate members so they won’t question the group’s beliefs or try to leave.

Here’s what phobia indoctrination looks like in the trans community:

  • Telling community members that anyone who questions gender identity or transition (even if they’re coming from a place of genuine care and concern) hates them, ‘denies their existence,’ or even wants them dead. This pushes community members—especially naive children and young people—to cut themselves off from friends and loved ones who may question or contradict the trans community, or may simply fail to follow the elaborate and often bizarre protocols trans communities lead young members to expect.
  • Creating the false impression of a trans murder epidemic—even a trans genocide—which binds members to the trans community and increases their fear of the outside world out of all proportion to actual risk. (No, trans-identified people in the West don’t face the same risks as transsexual Brazilian prostitutes.) Preventing the murders of trans-identified people in liberal Western societies is less a matter of combatting ‘transphobia’ than of helping vulnerable trans-identified people exit sex work and abusive relationships with violent males.