Opinion – Eliza Mondegreen
ELIZA MONDEGREEN – 10 October 2022 – gender:hacked
There’s no excuse for threats and acts of violence against ‘gender-affirming’ medical providers. And we should not confuse targeted harassment campaigns with scrutiny of what organizations like the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, and their membership are doing, even if these organizations desperately want to shut us up.
This letter paints exposés on child medical transition as “disinformation,” even when those exposés archive and share medical systems’ own promotional materials, even when they quote medical providers at length in their own words.
So it’s a funny definition of ‘disinformation’ at work here to refer to information that’s true but is presented to unreceptive (read: insufficiently indoctrinated) audiences.
This is what WPATH means when it condemns journalists for taking things “out of context”—even when journalists include video documentation of the entire session they’re reporting on. The proper “context” was “everybody who hears this is supposed to agree with us.”
These organizations are equivocal evangelists for the cause of transitioning children: all in behind the scenes, more cautious in public view.
Their gospel is a hard one to accept, so they spread the good word selectively. Some ears are not and will never be ready to hear it. They don’t trust ordinary people to interpret their revelations in the proper light, to see rightly. (It turns out they’re correct not to trust ordinary people to see rightly: tell a normal person what these organizations propose and they balk! They haven’t been socialized out of the horror one naturally feels when confronted with such things.)
These organizations remind me of cults like Scientology, which doesn’t give up its secrets too early: first, the seeker must be sufficiently indoctrinated. Only then can they be trusted to swallow doctrine whole, no matter how wacky the doctrine…