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Feminist News & Opinion


Reduxx was launched in January 2022 with the intention of creating a truly pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding platform that could provide high-quality, accurate reporting and opinion on the issues impacting women.

We strive to change the way people view feminist media while giving a new generation of diverse female writers the space and protection they need to reclaim their narratives and advocacy.

Reduxx is entirely funded by our readership and does not receive any financial investment or incentive from corporate, charitable, or government entities.

We are proud to take style guidance from Women’s Liberation Front and Lesbians United.


ARTICLES – Samples

Resigned Trans Youth Charity Trustee Authored Blog on “Minor Attraction,” Praised a Child Porn Creator


The academic who recently resigned from a charity that promotes the medical transitioning of children had for years been writing blog entries related to pro-pedophilia activism and “minor attraction.”

Jacob Breslow, an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics, stepped down from his position as a trustee for UK-based trans activist organization Mermaids earlier this week after it was revealed that he had, on several occasions, made statements and published academic work that favorably portrayed pedophilia.

In 2011, Breslow, then a PhD student, spoke at a symposium titled “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” hosted by pedophile advocacy organization B4U-Act. The stated purpose of the symposium was to lobby the American Psychiatric Association for changes to the diagnostic definition of pedophilia in order to “reduce stigma” against “minor-attracted people” (MAPs)…

EXCLUSIVE: Two Survivors Allege They Were “Groomed,” Sexually Exploited By Staff at Scottish LGBT Youth Charity

REDUXX TEAM – 22 December 2022 – REDUXX

Two men who had previously accessed services at LGBT Youth Scotland as minors have come forward to speak to Reduxx about what they describe as a nightmarish involvement with the charity – one they allege involved child grooming and sexual exploitation. Sam Cowie and Daniel Nechtan, two abuse survivors, are demanding an inquiry into the organization and asking why no investigation was launched after the CEO was imprisoned for raping a baby.

LGBT Youth Scotland, formerly the Stonewall Youth Project, is known as Scotland’s national charity for “LGBTI young people.” The organization works with youth aged 13 to 25, and delivers programs to schools, organizations and businesses. The charity was founded in 1989 and renamed in 2003, the same year a notorious pedophile, James Rennie, became the Chief Executive Officer.

In 2009, Rennie was found guilty and given “lifelong restriction” orders after it was discovered he was operating what was described as Scotland’s “largest pedophile network.”

Rennie and a man named Neil Strachan were considered the ringleaders of the network, which involved at least eight other men who collectively held over 125,000 pieces of child sexual abuse materials. The ring was broken up in 2007 after a lengthy operation by Lothian and Borders police.

Other men arrested include John Murphy, a former journalist with The Gay Times; Neil Campbell, an after-school program instructor who was married with children but led a double life with a male lover; and Craig Boath, who had just applied to become a special constable with police. Neil Strachan’s much younger boyfriend, Colin Slaven, was also amongst those arrested. Slaven had been a minor when Strachan began a “relationship” with him.

Top, from left: Neil Campbell, Neil Strachan, Ross Webber, John Murphy. Bottom, from left: James Rennie, John Milligan, Craig Boath, Colin Slaven.

As well as distributing child sexual abuse material, Rennie also sexually abused his godson over a four-year period starting when the child was just 3 months old. During court proceedings it was also uncovered that Rennie had used the e-mail handle “kplover,” standing for “kiddie porn lover,” to communicate with a sick predator in the Netherlands who described how he would like to rape, torture, and murder a child. The trial was labeled the “worst ever” abuse case in Scotland by media.

While soliciting child sexual abuse materials from other perverts, Rennie once sent an email specifically requesting media featuring “young Down’s syndrome or learning difficulty kids.”

Rennie’s accomplice, Neil Strachan, had also sexually abused an infant boy, attempting to sodomize him while being HIV positive.

While secretly operating the pedophile network, Rennie managed to become the CEO of LGBT Youth Scotland, a charity which gave him access to children as young as 13. Rennie had been a strong proponent for gay adoption, and, under his leadership, LGBT Youth Scotland lobbied the Government to allow same-sex couples to adopt children. In 2005, LGBT Youth Scotland received a Phillip Lawrence Award for community safety, and Rennie was welcomed in parliament.

Shockingly, Rennie’s sentence was reduced on appeal. He was originally ordered to serve a minimum of 13 years in jail, but this was reduced to a minimum of just eight-and-a-half years before he can apply for parole.

Questions are now being raised on social media about why the Scotland’s charity regulator never publicly investigated the organization to see if Rennie abused his power to access vulnerable children, and how Rennie’s influence may have impacted the culture of the charity.

While LGBT Youth Scotland claimed at the time that there was “no evidence” that the young people assisted by their agency were assaulted by Rennie, two survivors have now come forward to allege they were groomed and sexually abused after joining the charity as youth members…

Amnesty Norway Collaborates With Trans-Identified Male Who Reported Feminist To Police


Amnesty Norge, the Norwegian chapter of Amnesty international, has released a collaboration video promoting trans rights with an activist who launched a police investigation against a feminist for expressing her opinion on gender ideology.

“Christine Marie” Jentoft reported women’s rights advocate Christina Ellingsen to the police over comments she made on Twitter stating that men cannot be lesbians.

The video, which was posted to Amnesty Norway’s Twitter on June 16, shows Jentoft wearing a shirt intended to mock women who are uncomfortable with men using female bathrooms. Amnesty presents Jentoft with comments and opinions portrayed as uneducated or bigoted he then responds to.

During the video, Jentoft defends males using women’s restrooms, and claims that there are more than two sexes.

When asked about the impact “trans rights” have on women’s rights, Jentoft denies there is any conflict, and addresses the concern by saying “rights are not like a pizza where some get more and others get less.” Jentoft also claims trans activism does not want to erase the words ‘man’ and ‘woman’ — two responses which could be perceived as ironic considering Jentoft is attempting to have a feminist imprisoned for her perspective on women’s sex-based rights….

