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#Repeal The GRA


Welcome to the Repeal the GRA website. We are a group of ordinary women who feel strongly that the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (‘the GRA’) is not fit for purpose and should be repealed because it is incompatible with safeguarding and the rights of women and children.

In light of the recent judicial review on allowing male prisoners into women’s prisons, we feel we have to widen our scope to include repeal of the Equality Act 2010. We need to go back to single-axis discrimination. We will create information and reasoning as soon as we can.



How you can help us

A primary aim of this campaign is to raise awareness of how the GRA is harmful to women and children. We aim to produce material that clearly shows how this happens and how women are expected to deal with the consequences without complaint.

You could write for us or you could share our content. If you’re feeling brave you can talk to friends and family about the issues we raise.

You can speak to us if you feel you’ve been directly affected because of a man who has taken advantage of the GRA — we’re happy to share what you have to say if that’s what you would like. Or, if you want to remain anonymous we can possibly put you in touch with others in your local area or relevant field of work.

Keep an eye out for those who are trying to raise public awareness of this issue — If they’re content producers, help them spread the message. If someone is in a group chat and underfire, help them out with arguments if it’s safe for you to do so. The same goes if someone shares a relevant post from a personal media profile — try and support one another when you can. We will be adding content shortly to highlight groups and well-known individuals who also share the aim that repealing the GRA is necessary to ensure the dignity and safety of women, children, and vulnerable adults.