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ALL ABOARD: The Human Rights Campaign and the Making of ‘Transgender’ Industry Leaders


MOTHERS GRIM – January 2023 – The 11th Hour

Years ago, my daughter abandoned herself and sought services at a designated ‘leading’ healthcare institution. They did not care for her, and instead used her as a live human specimen to create a 21st-century ‘transman.’ I have not seen my daughter since. This is the story of how healthcare ‘leaders’ have been installed to harm my daughter and countless impressionable young people in America to create the burgeoning “transgender’ medical complex. Part I introduces the campaign. Parts II and III will delve further into the makings of this scandal.

Mothers Grim is an independent journalist’s pseudonym for exposing the grim realities of the gender industry. She counts among her friends’ many mothers who have children, like her own, caught up in an industry perpetuating what she trusts one day will be considered crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, what she writes is neither nursery rhyme nor folklore.

All Aboard: The Human Rights Campaign and the Making of ‘Transgender’ Industry Leaders – Part 1

MOTHERS GRIM – 1 January 2023 – The11th Hour Blog

Part I: Introduction and the Campaign Beginnings

Part I: Introduction and the Campaign Beginnings

Little did I know, but before my baby girl was born in the 1990s, the underpinnings of a medical scandal began to brew that would one day steal her away. AIDS had long since reared its ugly head but was not on my radar. The proliferation of healthcare facilities and NGOs born from this crisis, though, would one day be used to undermine the lives of every generation since Generation X for the lie of the ‘transgender’ human, and my daughter would one day be a victim.

A welcome and loved addition to our family of four, my girl grew to love soccer, reading, arts and crafts, hikes with her dad, goofing around with her siblings, and sleepovers with her friends. There were no drag queens in our town or gender bread lessons in our schools in these precious years. Still, the wheels of big Pharma, non-profit organizations, politics, and scientism were churning in such a manner that would soon create an epic medical scandal. By the early 2000s, when my girl was just entering grade school, a mass manipulation campaign on the part of a leading non-profit was initiated to coerce much of civil society to support a new medical protocol entailing the lie of the ‘transgender’ human. Sadly, my girl would one day be chosen for this scandal, but not yet. She was busy being the girl she was, and I was busy cheering her on.

Part II of this story continued from 2007, when significant strides were made to push the ‘transgender’ industry into healthcare. Through the middle school years, my budding teen was having new adventures in drama, sports, debate, and so many other things. Still, there were no drag queens in our town, and I had never heard of a ‘gender clinic’ for a good reason. There were none – at least not until later that year.

When my daughter entered college many years later with top grades and a glowing resume, the campaign for the ‘transgender’ human had been in full swing, but I had no idea. I soon learned to peer beyond the smokescreen when my daughter cloaked herself in a ‘transgender’ identity on her college campus within months of her arrival. In the years since the smokescreen has cleared to unveil lies and corruption behind the scenes. The pinnacle of the campaign appears to have always been the capture of healthcare, and today, an industry has blossomed that is participating in some of the vilest experiments on the most vulnerable in society, children.

In part III, this story will dig deeper into the endorsing and funding partners of the healthcare campaign. The movement is chock full of non-profits, financial backers, practitioner greed, deceptive advertising, and pharmaceutical ties colluding to create an unprecedented healthcare scandal. My daughter is still a woman today. Only now, she lacks breasts, has questionable mental and physical health, and is alienated from those who love her most. This is what the ‘leaders’ have done to her. It is what they wanted to do. I remain her mother and love her dearly, but I now fight for the sons and daughters of others as she continues her imprisonment in a medical scandal raging out of control.

The Campaign Beginnings

Today much of society is parroting the same nonsensical and dangerous lie regarding the reality of the human person in favor of the disembodied belief of ‘transgenderism.’ The industry depends upon the elusive concept of ‘gender identity,’ a lie that now litters everything from kindergarten classrooms to patient intake forms across America. While the guiding medical organizations might account for the framework gaslighting patients and Hollywood characters that have long influenced the young, this cannot account for the all-encompassing madness that is inescapable in everyday life. Enter one of the biggest ringleaders of the ‘transgender’ drive – the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

Under the guise of ‘civil rights,’ HRC has whipped much of civil society to support a concept considered absurd not long ago, the idea of a ‘transgender’ human. They have stripped away inherent rights to natural bodies, undermined biological origins, and packaged it under the rainbow of ‘equality,’ ‘diversity,’ and ‘inclusion.’ The illusion of a society raging against a marginalized community has garnered sympathy for their cause. Not only have they captured corporations, institutions, and governing bodies, they have reached their goal and have helped mastermind some of the most disturbing ‘leaders’ in modern medicine. Civil society has been manipulated to support these disturbing ‘leaders’ in performing horrific medical procedures, even on youth.

The truth is that all arms of HRC today support the ‘transgender’ medical complex, where lies and medicine go hand in hand to reap profits. In 1982 ‘AIDS’ was first defined by the CDC after it had begun to ravish the lives of homosexual men. Today the AIDS space is dominated by the drive for novel HIV medications. Among the non-profits that then appeared on the scene was the Human Rights Campaign Fund, created in 1980. By 1984 HRC Foundation was formed to focus on LGBTQ+ research, advocacy, and education. Today the foundation claims it “envisions a world where all LGBTQ+ people can participate fully in the systems that shape our daily lives,” but this is a lie. HRC’s allegiance is to the industry profiteering not only from the AIDS crisis but also from the carefully crafted phenomenon of the 21st-century ‘transgender’ human. Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is even an HRC platinum corporate sponsor.

In 2002 HRC first set its sights on corporations establishing the Corporate Equality Index (CEI) as a “national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices, and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, ‘transgender’ and queer employees.” HRC has become a de facto government evaluating businesses for all things LGB, and in more recent years, all things ‘gender identity’ while they pick away at the political component. They honed their skills on the sexual orientation agenda. A document titled ‘Transgender’ Inclusion in the Workplace: A Toolkit for Employers is provided to make the job easy. The most influential corporations and lawyers climb on board following the toolkit provided and serve as role models for other corporations to succumb one day.

The CEI report states, “The most considerable progress measured over the 19-year history of the CEI and continuing in 2021 has been the wide-scale adoption of ‘transgender’-inclusive initiatives across businesses.” It is the ‘transgender’ cause conducting the train over the cliff with America’s businesses in full support and its youth inside. Far more devastating than the loss of the American corporation to this lie is the loss of young people who are becoming live human specimens for an immense medical complex.

Political capital is at the heart of the CEI. Culling from the CEI, HRC’s Business Coalition has been established to spearhead legislative efforts. The ‘transgender’ lobby has increased its power from a mere 13 to 528 member companies comprised of the most powerful corporations in the country in 20 years. Today these efforts are geared towards the passage of the Equality Act, a bill introduced in 2015 that would provide ‘gender identity’ protection under federal law.

Many coalition members hail from the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries or industries that would benefit from the bill’s passage. These include pharmaceutical corporations represented by Pharma’s top lobby group, PhRMA. Members include Abbvie, makers of Lupron for puberty suppression, and Pfizer, makers of testosterone and other drugs for cross-sex identities. Coalition members include investors BlackRock and Vanguard, heavy contributors to the ‘transgender’ medical complex, and two children’s hospitals with gender clinics, Children’s Minnesota Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Indulging my teen girls in their latest fashion whimsies at the nearby Target was a welcome excursion at one time. The clothing was reasonably priced. After Target refused to carry a book by a reporter with whom I once spoke, visits to the store ended for me. The author’s book was a bestseller with stories of girls like my own sucked into the vortex of ‘transgender’ medicine. It is an important story but barely skims the surface of this looming disaster. As a member of the Business Coalition for the Equality Act, Target Corporation’s allegiance lies beyond the realm of reality, and this is not my world.

Perusing the CEI scores from 2021, it is clear not everyone is rallying for the ‘transgender’ cause. The CEI provides “unofficial” ratings of the Fortune 500 companies that failed to respond to HRC’s repeated efforts to get them in on the gender game. Most non-participants received a lousy 0, 10, or 20 rating. In other words, they failed miserably.

Perhaps corporate cheerleading for harmful policies like allowing men in women’s private spaces is not every corporation’s cup of tea. Perhaps treating delusions as facts creates too much employee tension. Or maybe, some employers are more concerned about the bodily integrity of their employees than an elusive identity. However, low scores among participating Fortune 500 companies are outliers in the 2021 field of over 1,000 corporations.

HRC next looked to conquer the states and, in 2004, added the State Equality Index (SEI), establishing “a comprehensive state-by-state report that reviews statewide laws and policies that affect LGBTQ+ people and their families.” They worked with the Equality Federation Institute and statewide LGBTQ+ organizations for this task. Another organization born in the era of AIDS and rallying for the LGB cause, the institute’s efforts today are geared toward all things ‘transgender.’ With donations from the Gill Foundation, the Tides Foundation, the Open Society Policy Center, and others with questionable motives, the Equality Federation has become a clearinghouse for tracking and advocating for LGBT bills with over 40 state partners.

Years ago, I met with a congressional aid in my blue state. The aide was utterly clueless about ‘transgender’ issues but listened with wide eyes as I told him what was being done to children at the hospital gender clinic a few miles away. Today this hospital is HRC’s version of a ‘leader.’

The Equality Federation also advocates for HIV policies, including Ending the HIV Epidemic Plan, a plan to promote pharmaceuticals like HIV prophylaxis PrEP for male to female-identified patients. HRC is also working to push legislation for insurance coverage of this high-cost medication and offers financial support to students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities to become ‘peer educators.’ With astronomical sums flowing into The Ending the HIV Epidemic Plan and its fascinating history, it seems fair to question the intent here. Not only has ViiV Healthcare donated to the federation, but they are also members of the Business Coalition for the Equality Act. ViiV Healthcare partnered with Pfizer and Glaxo-Smith Kline in 2009, and now hold a portfolio of 17 HIV drugs.

Although HRC was already dabbling in healthcare via the CEI and SEI, in 2007, they added the Healthcare Equality Index(HEI), and their true colors began to shine. The goal was “to create a baseline understanding of existing healthcare industry policies on issues of concern to the GLBT community.” The actual purpose was never the patient but fueling an industry that at one time was relegated to a few controversial physicians. They have succeeded by injecting guidelines like inclusive language, training protocols, and intake forms to capture confused patients into their tangled web (A deeper look at the HEI will be undertaken in Parts II and III of this series).

In 2012 HRC added the Municipal Equality Index with the slogan, “Equality drives economic growth.” What more needs to be said?

The Long-Term Health Equality Index (LEI) was launched in 2022, along with an LGBTQ+ advocacy group for seniors called SAGE. SAGE was first known as Senior Action in a Gay Environment and is the oldest and largest non-profit supporting older LGBT adults. The since transformed title, Services, and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and ‘Transgender’ Elders, is indicative of the growing breadth of their work to fully encompass all identities. The initial efforts of the LEI are to evaluate “senior housing communities based on the equity and inclusion of their LGBTQ+ residents.” Like the other indexes, they started small and will no doubt add benchmarks and criteria. But is Sage looking out for seniors, or is it too interested in industry expansion?…

All Aboard: The Human Rights Campaign and the Making of ‘Transgender’ Industry Leaders – Part 2

MOTHERS GRIMM – 7 January 2023 – The 11th Hour Blog

Part II: Healthcare Institution Capture

Part II: Healthcare Institution Capture


In Part I, readers were introduced to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Equality Indexes that were established as means to capture willing patients and allied supporters for the ‘transgender’ medical complex. By 2007 corporations and states supported the cause, but this year, the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI) index was added, and their true colors began to shine. The goal was to create a baseline understanding of existing healthcare industry policies on issues of concern to the GLBT community.” The actual purpose, though, was never patients but fueling an industry that at one time was relegated to a few controversial physicians. By injecting guidelines like inclusive language, training protocols, and intake forms to capture confused patients into their tangled web, they have succeeded.

By 2007 my children were now in middle school, and I was alert for unusual activity. The noise of the opioid crisis flashed across screens, sexual abuse by prominent clergy, coaches and teachers made headlines, and The Mitchell Report was recently released, exposing the illegal anabolic steroid use among prominent athletes. With a diehard athlete for a son, I was paying attention. The report mentioned an increase in the use of steroids among male high school athletes as younger generations modeled the behavior of star players. I read up on the harms, including addiction, psychiatric effects, cardiovascular damage, and other concerns. For my daughters, anabolic steroid use was hardly a worry, though.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the HEI is a project of HRC’s Health and Aging Program. Wrong sex hormones have been shown to reduce lifespan and increase suicide risk in the only long-term study ever completed on ‘transgender’ patients. Other drugs used in ‘gender’ medicine, including puberty blockers and finasteride, also do not lend themselves to aging well.

At the inception of the HEI, advisory groups were established. These members all hailed from fields with conflicting interests in big pharma and politics, rendering only one conclusion possible. It has always been about the business.

The cast of advisors from the initial HEI report in 2007 to the report in 2011 close to doubled and included a cardiologist from Cigna, a ‘medical outcomes specialist’ from Pfizer, a director in integrative medicine, a member of a healthcare accreditation organization, and others from the fields of law and medicine. Just looking at a few of these characters provides some clues. Keep in mind 2007 was also the year the first gender clinic opened at a children’s hospital on US soil.

I desperately reached out to an almost identical cast of characters when my girl succumbed to this madness. The cast of evil-doers providing her ‘care,’ the university, the insurance companies, lawyers, and doctors, a lot of them heard my plea. They cannot say they did not know. It is clear to me now. From the inception of the HEI, their goal was not caring for patients but concocting ‘leaders’ for profit.

Among HEIs healthcare advisors was the controversial doctor Robert Garofalo, at the time a director of an LGBT facility in Chicago known as Howard Brown Health. Howard Brown Health was established in 1974 when local medical students saw a need for healthcare for homosexual men with STDs. Now they are one of the largest healthcare and research organizations for LGBTQ health in the world. High rates of hepatitis b among their target population led to the involvement in research and vaccine trials, and ultimately the first hepatitis b vaccine in the late 70s. This vaccine is now on the childhood immunization schedule, a feat that I now question.

When AIDS began its wrath on the homosexual population, Howard Brown stepped in, and by 1984, they became involved in the Multi-center AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). By the late 80s, toxic drugs like AZT and later nevirapine were being used in treatment protocols for AIDS patients. In 2004 Garofalo spurred efforts to create Howard Brown’s Broadway Youth Center. He was the link between the local children’s hospital and Howard Brown. Today the center provides food, housing, and educational services and their version of ‘healthcare.’

My daughter was sucked into the ‘gender’ vortex in college and not in high school through the glitter offerings of a youth center like Howard Brown. She was at least afforded the opportunity of a more mature mind and body to begin her downward spiral, avoiding puberty blockers and their affiliated harms altogether. Over my dead body, would I have permitted the medicalization of my child for this lie. Would this have permitted time to get ahead of the scandal that was not yet widely reported? Some parents have lost custody of their children when they decline these horrific procedures. The ‘might haves,’ ‘could haves,’ and ‘would haves’ spin constantly in my mind, but when my daughter entered college, there was radio silence from the media, and the stars did not align. Instead, my daughter’s college and medical facility took over and declined even to acknowledge parental concerns.

Garofalo was also the president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) in 2007 when the HEI got started. He had discovered his fame and fortune in LGBT medicine before 2007, so he was already an asset to the industry. When he again participated in the HEI in 201l, he was employed by the now-defunct Children’s Memorial Hospital and Northwestern Feinberg School of medicine. When Lurie Children’s Hospital opened on the campus of the Feinberg School of Medicine a year later in 2012 and then launched a controversial gender program a year after that, Garofalo was the perfect candidate to take the helm. This clinic was funded by the ‘transgender’ identified billionaire Jennifer Pritzker whose family has played a leading role in the transgender industry. Garofalo was also one of four recipients of the 2015 controversial NIH study, a sham study designed to greenlight an industry for the creation of ‘transgender’ youth.

Also on both advisory groups was a member from UCSF. UCSC Benioff Children’s Hospital is home to a controversial gender clinic that, along with Lurie Children’s, sits at the pinnacle of the child ‘gender’ industry. The same year the HEI was launched in 2007, UCSF received “one of the largest [donations] ever given to an American university for child and adolescent mental health services” from the Pritzker family. Like Lurie Children’s, they were also on the receiving end of NIH funding in 2015 for the sham ‘transgender’ youth study.

Other members advising the HEI hailed from Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a group whose members come from the healthcare and public sectors. SEIU is also on the receiving end of the Pritzker family’s push for ‘transgender’ medicine.

Another advisory member was ‘transgender-identified’ male activist Mara Kiesling who founded the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) in 2003. The NCTE’s website is full of biological inaccuracies. It provides “tips for journalists,” including a linked article that guides reporters away from criticizing ‘gender-affirming’ medical treatment for ‘transgender youth.’ The report hails from the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy at Harvard. ‘Misinformation’ here is tainted by industry goals. Boston Children’s Hospital is the teaching arm of Harvard and the location of the first gender clinic that opened its doors for service the same year this advisory group gathered.

Several years ago, the parent support group I joined was contacted by a reporter who was writing a story. Our family situations were fraught with deceptive teens parroting activists’ claims of suicide, estranged children, and battles with schools overstepping boundaries. We were desperate to get our children away from these medical professionals. In the other ring was a newspaper with financial backers long ago captured by the industry sales pitch. Carefully crafted pieces making the ‘transgender’ sale littered its content. While we never stood a chance with the mockingbird media at the time, a handful of brave reporters have been with us through thick and thin.

A representative from the Mautner Project also advised the HEI both in 2007 and 2011. The Mautner Project started as an initiative in the 90s for lesbians with breast cancer in the DC metro area. By 2013 the Mautner Project had folded into Whitman Walker Health. Whitman Walker is a health clinic in Washington DC that proliferated during the AIDS crisis in the 80s, expanded into lesbian health in the 90s, and was struggling to the point they were shutting down programs by 2005. 2005 also happens to be the year they pushed into ‘transgender’ medicine. Within a few years, they had regained economic footing. Today medical students participate in rotations at the clinic where they learn ‘gender-affirming‘ care.

In a perfect display of the ability of iatrogenic medicine to create more industry needs, the Mautner Program has increased its services to include males. This makes sense as estrogen use increases breast cancer risk for males seeking services to approximate females.

By 2011 a member of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations was also an HEI advisor. This commission was started over 70 years ago and is an international organization that now accredits over 22K healthcare facilities. The HEI works with The Joint Commission and Center for Medicaid Services (CMS) to fulfill their elusive ‘gender identity’ goals, which shift as HRC makes strides in the legal arena. Despite a 2011 report by The Joint Commission that showed concerns over suicide ideation, substance abuse, and long-term cross-sex hormone use among the ‘transgender-identified,’ an affirmation-only approach has reigned in recent decades. Could it be that The Joint Commission is just another arm funneling money into the ‘gender’ industrial complex?

The Joint Commission pushed on and, in 2011, added a new standard prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and ‘gender identity’ and launched efforts to guide hospitals in this endeavor. None of this in 2011 was required by law. Now though, the pressure is on HEI participant hospitals to garner an HEI ‘leader’ designation initiated this same year with these new requirements. It was not until 2016 the Affordable Care Act provisions were interpreted to include ‘gender identity,’ all with the help of HRC and the various businesses and institutions that were now raising money for these expanded services. The HEI has gone on to provide free training for credit, help in fulfilling legal, CMS, and Joint Commission requirements, and the opportunity for healthcare corporations to “reach out to a highly loyal market.” The ‘transgender’ sale looms large, and HRC makes participation easy…

All Aboard: The Human Rights Campaign and the Making of ‘Transgender’ Industry Leaders – Part 3

MOTHERS GRIMM – 15 January 2023 – The 11th Hour Blog

Part III: Healthcare Campaign Endorsing and Funding Partners

HRC’s Health Equality Index (HEI) was initiated in 2007 to push the lie of the ‘transgender’ human. Aside from the toll on the minds and bodies of patients, perhaps the most disturbing aspects of this campaign are the endorsing and funding partners – the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA), Pfizer, Inc, and PhRMA. As leading participants in the Corporate Equality Index, they reap the benefits of lobbying Congress via the Business Coalition, broadening the scope of their wrath.

My daughter’s college health center was her first go-to source for testosterone, a drug once known for athlete doping and roid rage. In the 21st century, testosterone was being resurrected for young women and girls to manufacture the modern ‘transman,’ and my daughter had become a victim. The college provided connections to a clinic for the full smorgasbord of ‘gender identity services. My daughter’s breasts were surgically removed, mimicking her campus peers in the year that followed that first injection. I now know many colleges participate in HRC’s campaign to harm students and encourage family separation when concerns arise.

GLMA has been an endorsing partner of the HEI since its inception in 2007. GLMA was founded in 1981 and is the largest and oldest association of LGBTQ professionals. Like other groups formed in the ’80s, their focus was HIV/AIDS. ‘T’ and ‘Q’ were added to their tagline in 2012, and ‘transgender’ and queer initiatives began consuming more attention.

GLMA’s conferences are loaded with sponsors from the medical industry, including both PhRMA and Pfizer. Among the GLMA board of directors is Paula M. Neira, a male with a synthetic female identity who was the first clinical director of Johns Hopkins Center for ‘Transgender’ Health and a leading expert on ‘transgender’ military service. Another is Jona Tanguay whose research has focused on harm reduction for participants of chemsex, a practice involving male sexualized drug use. While GLMA professes to be a ‘healthcare’ organization, information concerning the alarming rates of ‘transgender’ identifying youth, the skyrocketing cohort of females now comprising this population, or the lifetime risk of drugs and surgeries is absent. Instead, female testosterone use has broadened markets for products to assuage drug-induced libidos. Is this a female version of chemsex?

The images above were recently on the front page of GLMA’s website.

By 2011, the HEI was funded by grants from Pfizer, Inc and later by the Pharmaceutical Research and Medical Association (PhRMA), a 33-member trade group and lobbying arm for drug companies. This explains the prevailing affirmation-only agenda and the intersection of corporate and pharmaceutical interests in the CEI.

Pfizer is a supplier of testosterone prescribed to females claiming synthetic male identities and estradiol, progesterone, and spironolactone prescribed to males claiming synthetic female identities. From Reuters to the Vatican, Pfizer has a way of getting around despite a conviction in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in history for fraudulent marketing in 2009. The drugs prescribed for synthetic cross-sex identities are not FDA-approved for such use rendering it illegal to promote them for this purpose. While the FDA Guidance for the promotion of drugs is skewed to favor drug sales, it is impossible not to make a correlation between Pfizer’s involvement with HRC and the promotion of drugs for the ‘transgender’ medical complex.

There is no shortage of testosterone bottles, injections, or patches that make cameos in “female-to-male” social media. In 2017 HRC and Planned Parenthood teamed up in a YouTube lifestyle campaign promoting testosterone for females. A 22-year-old ‘transgender’/ ‘nonbinary’ female tells the audience, “I am certainly not stabbing myself with a needle once a week just for some extra likes on Facebook.” Parents report that social media is often a leading factor in a child’s synthetic sex identification. As the young woman injects herself, the testosterone vial is conveniently turned away from the viewer. It would be a blatant breach of the law to expose the brand for this non-FDA-approved use.

In another questionable promotion of testosterone use, a nurse from the University of Iowa LGBTQ Clinic injects a bearded female with testosterone. While the bottle remains small in scale, could the blue oval be the Pfizer symbol? The YouTube video has been viewed over 800k times in four years. The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics also earned a top score in the 2022 HEI.

Pfizer also has its fingerprint on studies claiming hormone-affirming therapy is beneficial. But is it? Read to the end of the study to discover that drug companies Pfizer and Arbor are convenient sponsors.

Once unthinkable cultural oddities now saturate the American way of life. It is no wonder Pfizer even goes to bat for them. Cheerleading for the ‘Transgender’ Day of Remembrance is great for business.

Along with Pfizer, PhRMA also provided grants to the HEI. Plain and simple, its members are out to sell drugs. Messaging abounds in media today, like this ad by PhRMA member Lilly in which the scarred chest of a female flashes across the screen while the narrator professes the lie, “the body you were randomly assigned at birth.”

Of the 906 participants in the 2022 HEI, over half received the esteemed ‘leader’ designation. The Department of Veterans Affairs topped the list of participating facilities, with Kaiser Permanente and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) coming in a distant second and third. Faith-based hospitals are hardly exempt from the coercion and lure of money, with 65 HEI participants. While more participants hailed from the coasts, dollar signs have been too hard to pass up, and facilities are now strung out across the US.

There are even ‘leaders’ among university student health centers such as UCLA. As any parent who has had a child disappear into a ‘transgender’ identity on a college campus knows, most colleges today are part of the vortex drawing young prey into this machine. Do all these student health centers strive to be Health Equality Index leaders? With over 19 million college students, this population has been the perfect testing ground to reset age restrictions on ‘gender’ services and indoctrinate a generation into the falsehood of ‘gender’ medicine. The students populating the medical programs today are now privy to the industries captured with university credits earned toward proliferating the lie. In a bizarre twist of what it means to care for fellow humans, students are being educated to harm future generations.

Over 100 academic medical centers and 30 children’s hospitals participated in the 2022 HEI, with all but a few receiving a ‘leading’ score. Boston Children’s Hospital and Vanderbilt are among the ‘leaders.’ Vanderbilt is even among over thirty healthcare facilities to have participated since the HEIs inception in 2007. Did they always intend to add children to their transgender’ services? They were covering cross-sex hormones and surgeries on the student health plan by 2016. Why would they stop there?

HRC has a couple of reports that help answer that question. One is “Supporting and Caring for Transgender Children,” a 2016 document written in conjunction with the American Pediatric Association (APA) and the American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians (ACOP). Written by controversial doctors like Diane Ehrensaft and Ximena Lopez, and using celebrities like reality star Jazz Jennings, a young man with a synthetic female identity, to lay out a gender affirmation approach including drugs and even double mastectomies for older adolescents that make the average citizen wince.

Another HRC report from 2020, “LGBTQ Inclusion in Children’s Hospitals,” was written that dispels the lessons from the HEI. The forward is written by the CEO of Boston Children’s Hospital, Sandra Fenwick, who says, “I am so proud of Boston Children’s role as an HEI LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader.” The report claims the HEI is the nation’s leading benchmark tool in affirmation. The real problem is that the only tool available today is affirmation. The report is ultimately the product of a 2019 focus group session of eleven children’s hospitals, all with gender clinics, which aimed to assess the unique challenges of “gender services” for children.

Conscientious objections, visitation policies, hostile parents, sex trafficking, and negative hospital publicity are all mentioned as unique challenges. How many other medical services for children have sex trafficking concerns? What about the obvious – the mental and physical harm these drugs, surgeries, and practices are having on children? The hospitals, though, show no concern for these things and actively work against parents. Allowing young patients to refuse visitation from a critical caregiver, providing safe spaces, separating parents, sticker campaigns to normalize the industry, and the like are offered as ‘remedies’ – or rather ways to stifle dissent and sell services.

For gender clinics wishing to expand services, a guide is available that reads like a how-to on proliferating business practices. The foreword is by the CEO of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Madeline Bell. The report concludes with a long list of controversial resources for families and caregivers, including the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH), the American Pediatric Association(APA), the Trevor Project, and many others.

Healthcare ‘leaders’ are bestowed with what HRC deems “the coveted designation of ‘LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leader.’” For being ‘leaders,’ participants get to advertise with a special logo and receive a ‘toolkit’ of resources’ to reach out to potential LGBTQ+ clients in their area. Cloaked under the label of a ‘healthcare leader,’ it is with these tools an industry has blossomed to harm the bodies of youth.

Concluding Thoughts

In earlier years, accusations of HRC being too focused on gay white male issues was normal. Today an obsessive focus on corporately constructed synthetic sex identities reigns. As the AIDS crisis has morphed over the years, the pharmaceutical giants have settled on what makes the most money – novel drugs. Robust competition in the HIV drug space and vaccine research is the focus. They have also settled on new horizons to create a new kind of person – the ‘transgender’ human of the 21st century. It is a scandal of epic proportions.

The expensive, repurposed drug azidothymidine (AZT) once ravished the lives of countless homosexual men. Desperate for a cure, patients at first bowed to the pharma industry’s deceit, but the drug was toxic. Thanks to a handful of dedicated citizens, the story broke through the lies swirling at the time, and men from the community rallied to save their brothers. Today a devastating turn of events is underway in which the same community is feeding members directly into the arms of big pharma. Big pharma is content to use these humans as specimens for their grand ‘transgender’ experiment. This time the organizations professing to rally for the LGBT cause represent the industry itself. There is nothing to be cured here but an industry raging out of control…