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Puberty-blocker drug firm donated cash to Lib Dems

Article -Nicholas Hellen & Caroline Wheeler



A pharmaceutical firm that markets drugs used in gender-identity clinics to delay puberty has given £100,000 to the Liberal Democrats.

Jo Swinson’s party has already upset feminists, who worry that the “extreme trans-ideological” policies in its manifesto will put vulnerable women at risk.

According to the Electoral Commission register, the Lib Dems received the payment on November 22 from Ferring Pharmaceuticals.

The firm, owned by the Swedish billionaire Frederik Paulsen, markets the drug triptorelin, which is used to block puberty among adolescents.

The Lib Dem manifesto pledges “complete reform of the Gender Recognition Act to remove the requirement for medical reports, scrap the fee and recognise non-binary gender identities”.

It also promises to “introduce an ‘X’ gender option on passports and extend equality law to cover gender identity and expression”.

It wants to “require schools to introduce gender-neutral uniform policies and break down outdated perceptions of gender appropriateness of certain subjects.”

Nicola Williams, of Fair Play for Women, a campaigning group, said: “Under Jo Swinson the Lib Dems now have the most extreme trans-ideological position at a time when the other main parties are pausing to consider the impact on women and children.”…