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Biological Males in the Female Prison Estate


It came as a shock to find that pre-operative “transgender” males were being housed in the female prison estate. Given the jaw dropping idiocy of the policy I assumed, wrongly, this was a recent phenomenon,  a temporary loss of State Sanity.   I was wrong. While high profile cases, which resulted in sexual assaults on female inmates, (see Karen White  and Paris Green ), have only just penetrated the public consciousness, it is not a recent aberration. It is policy. This has been going on since at least 2009! Because of legal cases like this one 👇

Transgender move to women’s prison.

The claimant, in the above case, was a pre-operative, transgender male who had been convicted of manslaughter and imprisoned.  5 days after his release he committed an attempted rape. Following this offence he was returned to prison and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The prisoner had been granted a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) in 2006.  Thus, only two years after the Gender Recognition Act (GRA)had been passed,  a bodily intact, biological male, who would go on to commit attempted rape, was recognised as a “woman” for all purposes.  Because of this legislation the prisoner was allowed to mount a legal challenge to his incarceration, in the male estate.   Let that sink in. 


[As an aside the wording of the above reports the historic offence as “committed whilst a man”.  This strongly suggests that, at the very least, post GRC offenses are recorded as committed by a female.  Work is still on-going to find out the exact legal record keeping when someone “self-identifies” as female.  More on this here  Crime statistics:Sex v Gender]

Update September 2019: Going by the details provided in this case it seems likely that this is the same person invited to speak to the House of Lords on how we can better serve Transgender prisoners Sex Offender Advisor to the House of Lords

Details of the offence are  below.  Note that this offence was committed whilst staying in a female bail hostel.

2019-09-06 (3)

Our law makers have re-defined woman and granted  legal rights, as women, to males. This is an issue regardless of an individual’s  criminal history.  However, in this  case, a GRC has been granted to a fully intact male who went on to attempt to rape a woman and still retained his GRC!  This law (in practice) legally compels women to admit male bodied individuals into sex segregated spaces. The  is a measure of how much contempt the legal systems has for women’s rights.  Our right to privacy, dignity and safety has been stripped from us, by a male centred legislature.  We have, by stealth, had our right to congregate, as a sex,  and enjoy the company of other women, free from male interference, removed by a state sanctioned lie. Refugees from masculinity exist but women should not be legally compelled, or emotionally blackmailed, into running the refugee camps.  

Below is a reference to the Gender Recognition Act from this court case.  This is a lie. It is impossible to change sex.  Women were assured this was only a “kind” “legal fiction”.  Yet judgements are being handed down which show the State is treating it as a literal truth! This gives the lie to the, oft repeated, assertion that the GRA has no impact on the protected characteristic of sex (Equality Act 2010). The GRA collapses the female sex class into a male’s subjective sense of self-identity.

Men see only the societally imposed notion  of what it means to be  a women. They now take the objectified version of “womanhood” for women’s lived experience and reflect this stereotypical version of ourselves back at us.

See David Thomas, becoming a woman.  David has a “previous” life as a Men’s Rights Activist and is the  author of these two books:


The first book is a rebuttal of feminist charges against men focusing on sexual harassment, child abuse and domestic violence endured, by men, at the hands of women. In Girl the main protagonist is a man who is mistakenly given gender reassignment surgery.  This is a staple of some fetish porn known as “forced feminisation”.   An MRA and a Porn devotee.  Welcome to the Sisterhood David! 

Back to the case….


The Legal muddle this has created is even pointed out by the prisoner:87777052-5FB0-48C3-A522-00BC945E3DACThe fact “trans-men” can select to remain in the female estate, and they do, tells its own tale. Sex Matters, it seems, when the State decides it does. Here is a discussion between Transmen on prison location.  Male Pronouns yes.  Male Prison? Hell no! Transmen discuss prison

State capture, by Transgender Ideology, inevitably involves the regressive endorsement of sex stereotypes. Below is a  description of how this, legal, woman is enabled to live in the male estate.  A case is made that the prison has been accommodating by allowing access to cosmetics, blouses and skirts.  The Prisoner, we are told,  “lives as a woman” . This is demonstrated by the inevitable links to the most regressive sex stereotypes which feminists have been deconstructing for centuries.  Make-up doth not maketh the woman!


A wise woman on twitter (@HairyLeggedHarpy) interrogated a more reasoned, commentator on what he means by “living as a woman”.  Ask to define it he  listed sex stereotypical behaviours associated with a female role.  Pressed to confirm whether he would  say “living as a Black or Indigenous Man” he didn’t answer. So why is it OK to say “Living as a woman”? Do the cultural expectations of “being a woman” confer some sort of Lady Essence on women, which gender  non-conforming men share?

Does anyone pay any credence to Rachel Dolezal’s claim to live as “black”? No.  In a delicious irony, completely lost on MB, this was not Monroe Bergdorf’s favourite Netflix recommendation.


TransRacial Identity was roundly rejected but pay attention. This is the blurb for a course on Trans Racial Identity at Rhode Island University….