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WHO FRAMED KELLIE-JAY KEEN: What REALLY happened at #LetWomenSpeakMelbourne in tedious detail!

Documentary – Rubble of Empires


This was a challenge to make. At one point it seemed like something in the file had become corrupted and I wasn’t going to be able to finish it. So yeah, the sound is all over the place. It’s not pretty, but it works. The point was for people to be able to see what happened on the day and I think it does that. I actually synced up a lot more footage that I didn’t get to use because reasons. I think I might release that separately without commentary.
01:14:14 is the time of 12.17 PM on the day, (corresponds to 34.35 to Noisy Turtles stream).
01:18:05 the time is 12:19 PM KJK event begins with intro to Welcome to Country (36:38)
01:24:37 the time is 12:25 PM – counter protest distrupts Keens speech
01:28:16 the time is 12:27 PM – speaker public health worker
01:31:16 Speaker – KJK time 12.31 PM 01:32:33 Speaker (Juanita) Let Women Speak Demonstrator time 12:32
01:33:50 time is 12.33 PM-ish the Nazis are moving up the steps with banner
01:34:57 time is ~12.34 PM – Counter protestor grabs mike – multiple women injured
01:37:15 Rubble discussng why women hadn’t done anything about the Nazis
01:37:45 ish the Nazis announce they’re going to leave, whilst women dealing with violence still
01:39:27 anti vax group (Freedom rally) leaving
01:48:00 – 12.48 PM Nazis coming off steps heading back North (west)