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BIOLOGY OF DSDs: Introduction

VIDEO PLAYLIST – The Paradox Institute

20 OCTOBER 2020

Biology defines intersex. For this multi-part series, we’ll be exploring the biology of eight intersex/DSD conditions: how each develops in the womb, how it may be diagnosed, and how it may impact the individuals who experience it.
If you want to help improve medical research and psychological support for individuals with these conditions, you can donate to DSDFamilies (

Biology of DSDs playlist:    
• Biology of Sex Development Disorders  
• Biology of DSDs (1) – Klinefelter Syndrome
• Biology of DSDs (2) – Turner Syndrome
• Biology of DSDs (3) Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH)
• Biology of DSDs (4) Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
• Biology of DSDs (5) Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
• Biology of DSDs (6) Swyer Syndrome
• Biology of DSDs (7) 5-alpha reductase deficiency – 5ARD
• Biology of DSDs (8) Ovotesticular Disorder

[1] Wilson, G. (2013). Third sex redux. Intersex Human Rights Australia.
[2] Graham, C. (2019). What is intersex?
[3] Graham, C. (2019). Statistics and Semantics: Is Intersex As Common as Redheads? MRKHVoice.
[4] Witchel, S. (2017). Disorders of sex development. Best Practice and Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 48, 90-102.
[5] DSDFamilies. (2020). Brief overview of differences in sex development.
[6] DSDFamilies. (2019). The Story of Sex Development.
[7] Sex. (n.d.) Merriam-Webster; Lehtonen, J., Parker, G. (2014). Gamete competition, gamete limitation, and the evolution of two sexes. Molecular Human Reproduction, 20(12); Cox, P., Togashi, T. (2011). The Evolution of Anisogamy, A Fundamental Phenomenon Underlying Sexual Selection. New York Cambridge University Press. 17.
[8] IHRA. (2014). Welcome! Intersex Human Rights Australia. [9] Sax, L. (2002). How common is intersex? A response to Anne Fausto-Sterling. Journal of Sex Research. [10] NIH. (2020). Klinefelter Syndrome. Genetics Home Reference, National Library of Medicine.
[11] Vilain, E. (2016). Ovotesticular disorder of sex development. Rare Diseases. [12] ClareCAIS. (2020). Caught in the middle.
[13] Intersexfacts. (2020). Getting to grips with our sex is complicated. Twitter. [14] Lundberg, T., et al. (2017). Making sense of Intersex and DSD: How laypeople understand and use terminology.

Sources for the rates of each DSD are found at the National Library of Medicine Medline Plus website.
Search for the exact name of the condition at […] and the rate is underneath the ‘Frequency’ tab. Transcripts, sources, and membership at:…
