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About Me


Here’s where I write about the gender mess, and whatever else comes to mind.

The gender mess is a far bigger, scarier crisis than most people realize. It’s both a cause and a symptom of the catastrophic collapse of critical thinking that the social media age has brought upon society. It’s ravaging all of our institutions and undermining the vital sense of trust that is fundamental to a functioning society — trust in each other, trust in government, trust in the media, trust that good will prevail and that we should all do the right thing.

I am first and foremost a humanist and a scientific realist, and I view gender identity ideology as antithetical to my core values.

You can have respect and compassion for transsexuals, as I do, while still acknowledging that humans do not change sex. The contemporary concept of “gender identity” is beneficial mostly to straight men, and it’s harmful to women, gays & lesbians, and vulnerable children and adolescents. It’s widely deployed to cover up mental illness, charlatanism, and sexual paraphilias; it’s deployed to silence objectors; it’s deployed to make busywork for armies of bureaucrats who must constantly mine for new progressive causes to justify their paycheques; it’s deployed by cynical politicians and media outlets as a shibboleth to reinforce and galvanize their core liberal bases.

It’s making the world a far worse place. We urgently need to return to scientific reality on the topic of sex and gender.


The Mess We’re In

Hi, I’m Graham Linehan, writer or co-writer of ‘Father Ted’, ‘Black Books’ and ‘The IT Crowd’. Presently I am involved in the fight for women’s rights alongside some brave and brilliant women and men, but once we win that I’ll be back to comedy full-time. Hope you enjoy the videos!

The Mess We’re In co-hosts: Graham Linehan, Arty Morty and Helen Staniland