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Tribunal Tweets

Introduction to Tribunal Tweets

TRIBUNAL TWEETS – 21 April 2021 – Open Justice with Tribunal Tweets

Tribunal Tweets is a group of volunteer citizen reporters dedicated to open justice. We live tweet from various court and tribunal proceedings in primarily England and Wales. Live tweeting is a contemporaneous record of the public hearings. Our objective is to report proceedings fairly without bias or prejudice. Our live tweet stream is not a perfect stenographic record such as might be provided by a court reporter. Many of the proceedings we cover do not have such a stenographic record.

There are currently few journalistic resources dedicated to coverage of legal proceedings and it is difficult for traditional news outlets to give adequate coverage to most legal proceedings. The core principle of open justice is that justice should be administered in public: proceedings must be held in public, evidence must be communicated publicly, and the Court should not prevent the fair, accurate and contemporaneous reporting of proceedings by the media unless strictly necessary. We respect any reporting restrictions imposed by courts or tribunals.

Tribunal Tweets covers cases relevant to free speech, medical ethics, protected beliefs and human rights to uphold the principle of open justice. We currently have two active Twitter accounts: @tribunaltweets and @tribunaltweets2.

We started our activity in July 2021. See a brief summary below of what we have covered since then…


For Women Scotland vs the Lord Advocate (Government of Scotland)

OPEN JUSTICE WITH TRIBUNAL TWEETS – 9 November 2022 – Open Justice

For Women Scotland brought a second judicial review of the Scottish government’s statutory guidance on the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018 due to the addition of a “reference to the Gender Recognition Act”.

The Court of Session ruled in the first judicial review that the definition of ‘woman’ in the Equality Act 2010 is the only definition which the Scottish Parliament could have legislated for in passing the 2018 Act, and stated “provisions in favour of women, in this context, by definition exclude those who are biologically male” and that “by incorporating those transsexuals living as women into the definition of woman, the 2018 Act conflates and confuses two separate and distinct protected characteristics”….

Mermaids vs LGB Alliance and the Charity of Commission of England and Wales

OPEN JUSTICE WITH TRIBUNAL TWEETS – DAY 5 of Mermaids v Charity Commission & LGB Alliance – Testimony KH – Kate Harris

…. MG: back to 236. Obvs u expressed ur view of how words should be understand. U would accept in practice a lot of ppl use sex and gender interchangeably
KH: since 2015

MG: is that right since 2015?
KH: issue and why those words form central part of our thinking and activity bc those who wish to remove sex and replace with gender. We see in west Australia, Victoria, Canada.
Those who campaign for GI replace sex with gender. Our pos is very dangerous, confusing and goes against all science and rwason

MG: didn’t need to state it?
KH: we did then. Need to make even clearer

MG: other ppl have different understanding of SE and lesbian? U saw PR and his understanding
KH: u mean a lesbian can be a man with a penis?

MG: putting it in a neutral way. Lesbian can include someone who is a woman as a result of GR? That’s how PR understand.
KH (long pause)
EJ: is everything all right miss Harris? We’ll rise for a moment and get KH a tissue and glass of water.

(Court adjourned)
We restart.

EJ: please sit. KM are u all right to continue?
KH: yes
MG: apologise if I said something upsetting. I’ll put Q in brief way for a yes/no. You’d accept others use words such as SE differently to you. Or lesbian for that matter.

KH: my good friend Allison Bailey said the word lesbian is taken. The word is taken by us. I’m going to speak for milliosn of lesbians around the world. We love other women. We will mot have that stolen from us.
KH: There have always been men who say feel they’re a lesbian tee hee hee. Always jocular. Lesbians often a laughing stick. We will not be. We will not be erased and no man with a penis will tell us he’s a lesbian because he feels is

MG: when u talk of tee hee, different that PR
KH: PR is far more offensive. He had no interest in lesbians. In partic 4000% increase in girls who think their trans. I felt indifference from him about phenomena running an lgbt Consortium.
KH: Contempt in this ideology that ignore women and lesbians. Formed LGBS bc we were not prepared to see lesbians erased. I’m proud to speak for lesbians attracting to human females. A lesbian is attracted to another bio woman full stop

MG: u set up lgba to fight that?
KH: was set up for children…concerned about children growing up fed tissue of lies about myth u can change se. U cannot change sex

MG: that’s political
KH: we have always pushed for dialogue. Leading intellilectual just published paper thinks GI is probs over. U either believe GI or you’re a hateful bigot

MG: many things my clients disagree with
KH: made ur meanings clear and to all who gathered. But to push forward clearly what u as group of ppl believe.
KH: u keep trying to make me agree without what lies behind it which is safeguarding of children.
Primary concern children given facts, edu and ability to make decisions as they get older. Have fundamental right of going through puberty. Ur trying to suggest were a political campaign in vacuum. Driven by concern for children

MG: political ca.paign for purpose. Trying to ID purposes. Not on face of it that primary concern is children…
KH: I helped author this doc. If intentions aren’t clear need to be revised