Revelations and Resignations

THE GENDER COLLECTION – Compilation of employee, representative incidents, concerns and resignations
SUSIE GREEN – CEO Resignation
Where did it all go wrong for trans charity Mermaids?
JULIE BINDEL – 27 November 2022 – The Spectator
Farewell Susie Green, the CEO of Mermaids, a charity that describes itself as supporting ‘trans, non-binary and gender-variant children, young people and their families’.
Green resigned rather abruptly on Friday, and the statement from its chair was short and to the point. An interim CEO will be appointed in due course.
Mermaids has found itself under scrutiny after deciding to bring a case against the LGB Alliance, the only UK-based organisation that focuses exclusively on same-sex attracted people. Mermaids claims it was not, in fact, established to support lesbians, gay men and bisexuals — but rather to discredit and disband trans charities like itself. The outrageous claims and questions by Mermaids witnesses and counsel during the tribunal, such as asking if lesbians can have penises, and suggesting that the term ‘same sex attraction’ is ‘exclusionary’, has led to many individuals asking hard questions about the organisation.
Green, who has spoken of taking her own teenage child to Thailand for surgery, led Mermaids into battle with the LGB Alliance by challenging its charitable status…

DARREN MEWS – Digital Engagement Officer
Mermaids worker ‘posed naked in explicit images and posted ‘sexualised’ photo of himself on Instagram’ as parents of children who used trans charity call for watchdog probe
JAMIE – 11 October 2022 – MailOnline
Parents of children who used transgender charity Mermaids have complained to the watchdog after an employee reportedly posted explicit pictures and sexualised images ‘as a schoolgirl’ online.
Darren Mew, until recently a digital engagement officer at the charity and who identifies as ‘they/them’, shared a picture of themself on Instagram showing an upward view through a short skirt they were wearing.
The image, with a hashtag of ‘nonbinaryfinery’, was captioned: ‘Sorry I can’t hear you. I’m just out here living my fantasy.’
The picture of the short skirt was shared on Instagram when their account was public in February last year. It has since been turned private.
Mew also featured in a collection of pictures for LGBT outlet Haus Magazine in which they are naked, holding their erect penis, with pairs of breasts that have further penises protruding from them.
Haus Magazine tweeted the picture in June 2020, saying: ‘Darren Mew by Giulio Di Ghonno for Haus Issue 3: Sex Issue. Full XXX Collage Series available in the issue online.’
It comes as the charity says it will close its helpline tomorrow amid ‘unacceptable abuse’ aimed at its staff.
A parent whose daughter once used Mermaids has complained to the Charity Commission citing serious concerns over Mew after she became aware of the explicit pictures, The Times reports….
Totally normal children’s charity
GRAHAM LINEHAN – 9 October 2022 – The Glinner Update
This is Darren Mew, the ‘digital engagement officer’ at Mermaids.
Here is from a few different angles. (via @stilltish). Just curious—what are his qualifications for working with children?
(UPDATE: The point of this is not Darren’s completely legal and nothing-to-do-with-children photography hobby, but it does rather put the lie to the statement on Mermaids website which claims that all trustees and staff are “subject to background checks including enhanced DBS searches, social media reviews and other due diligence.”)…

Mermaids and the worldwide push to normalise paedophilia
GRAHAM LINEHAN – 5 October 2022 – The Glinner Update
With thanks to Reduxx for their excellent reporting

Resigned Trans Youth Charity Trustee Authored Blog on “Minor Attraction,” Praised a Child Porn Creator
The academic who recently resigned from a charity that promotes the medical transitioning of children had for years been writing blog entries related to pro-pedophilia activism and “minor attraction.”
Jacob Breslow, an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics, stepped down from his position as a trustee for UK-based trans activist organization Mermaids earlier this week after it was revealed that he had, on several occasions, made statements and published academic work that favorably portrayed pedophilia.
In 2011, Breslow, then a PhD student, spoke at a symposium titled “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” hosted by pedophile advocacy organization B4U-Act. The stated purpose of the symposium was to lobby the American Psychiatric Association for changes to the diagnostic definition of pedophilia in order to “reduce stigma” against “minor-attracted people” (MAPs)…
Trustee of Trans Youth Charity Resigns Over Speech at Pro-Pedophile Event
SHAY WOULAHAN – 4 October 2022 – REDUXX
A trustee who sat on the board of a trans activist children’s charity has resigned following revelations he spoke at a conference held by an organization founded by a convicted child rapist.
Dr. Jacob Breslow became a trustee for trouble-plagued trans charity Mermaids in July of 2022. Breslow is an Associate Professor of Gender and Sexuality at the London School of Economics’ Department of Gender Studies.
On October 3, Breslow resigned after it began to circulate that he had a disturbing history of ostensibly pro-pedophile sentiment, including having spoken at a symposium held by B4U-Act — a charity founded in 2003 by convicted child rapist Michael Melsheimer.
Breslow’s presentation was titled Sexual Alignment: Critiquing Sexual Orientation, The Pedophile, and the DSM V. In the lecture, Breslow promotes the concept of treating pedophilia as a sexual orientation, a goal long-advocated by B4U-Act….
How media reported resignations
THE GENDER COLLECTION – 1 October 2022 – 30 November 2022
Search results to see how resignations were reported, and by who.