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MAP – Minor Attracted Person

Statement on Language – Police Scotland

STATEMENT – 31 December 2022 – Police Scotland

Statement regarding use of term Minor-Attracted Person

Police Scotland has issued the following statement in response to media reporting which misrepresents our position on the term “Minor-Attracted Person”.

Detective Chief Superintendent Sam Faulds, Head of Public Protection for Police Scotland, said: “We utterly condemn anyone who commits sexual offences against children, be it individuals or organised paedophile networks, and we work tirelessly to bring them to justice.

“Police Scotland does not use the term Minor-Attracted Person to describe this type of offender and any suggestion otherwise completely misrepresents our position.

“The term referenced in a Police Scotland report in June 2022 was quoted from proposal documents for the establishment of the Horizon Project, a European consortium to tackle child sexual abuse and exploitation.

“At the first meeting of the consortium, in Warsaw in September 2022, Police Scotland officers successfully lobbied for the MAP term to be removed from recognised terminology used by more than 20 European partners.

“Our view was that the term was entirely unacceptable in describing someone either involved in sexual offending against children or who has indecent thoughts towards them.

“Police Scotland’s National Child Abuse Investigation Unit works closely with partners to investigate all reports of child sexual exploitation, identify and apprehend abusers and reduce their opportunity for sexual offending, both physically and in the digital space.”

Chief Constable’s
Assessment of Policing
Performance 2021/22

REFERENCE TO MAP – Minor Attracted Person – Page 31 of Report


The Ideology Seeking to Normalise Sexual Activity with Children

JAMES – 31 December 2022 –

I was originally going to be writing about a CIC for my next blog post, however upon waking up from my slumber (as my sleep pattern is a bit out of whack currently) I noticed a trend on twitter – Minor-Attracted People. I’m familiar with what this term refers to, because it is a subject that I have read about before; and it disturbs me as much today than it did the first time I processed what I saw (words, not imagery, to be clear). If you read my previous blog on Data Harvesting, then you may have noticed I did make reference to this term within that report, and it centres around an ideology that has been pushed for decades with the aim of legalising sexual activity between an adult and a minor by eradicating the age of consent altogether.

Recently, there are chilling examples of this concept occasionally emerging from the shadows in the world of academia, but to see it being used within and between Police Scotland is of particular concern, especially so that this is an agency which is charged with the duty to protect children from such perpetrators. By in any way aligning with such an ideology, it immediately pulls into question the efficacy and reliability of Police Scotland to reasonably handle such cases; the thought of a child — who undoubtedly would be unaware of why what is happening to them is wrong — having to endure such acts is nothing short of distressing. I normally do not like to lend any type of voice to this subject, because the more it is kept out of the mainstream, the better – but if it is already in the mainstream, then I feel it a moral duty to, at least, write about it. It would be correct on my part to help equip you, the reader, with as much background information in order that you come to your own conclusion, of which I am certain we will commonly share…