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IRENE MONTERO, MINISTER OF EQUALITY OF SPAIN: CHILDREN CAN “have sexual relations with whoever they want”

News Article

A Spanish minister says children can “have sexual relations with whoever they want”

22 September 2022 –

Montero’s hysterical response to a Vox deputy

Yesterday the minister showed her most hysterical and fanatical attitude in a response to Lourdes Méndez Monasterio, deputy of the conservative party Vox, insulting her several times, addressing her in a deranged reply and gesturing ostentatiously as she usually does at Podemos far-leftist party meetings. Irene Montero referred to sex education in these terms: “All boys, girls, niñes [another unknown sex] in this country have the right to know their own body, to know that no adult can touch their body if they don’t want to and that this is a form of violence”.

Montero’s words about children and sexual relations

But things did not stop there. In addition, Montero affirmed that children “have the right to know that they can love or have sexual relations with whoever they want. Based, yes, on consent. And these are rights that they are recognized and that you don’t like”, he stated, addressing the deputy from Vox. Here you can see the video of those statements (the video is in Spanish but has English subtitles, you can activate them in the bottom bar of the player):

Some statements that contradict Article 181 of the Penal Code

These claims are outrageous. According to the Spanish Penal Code, the age of consent in Spain is 16 years old, an age at which we are already talking about adolescents. The “sexual freedom law” promoted by Montero and recently approved has left the following wording in the Art. 181 of the Penal CodeWhoever performs acts of a sexual nature with a minor under sixteen years of age, will be punished with a prison sentence of two to six years“. Is it that the minister has not read the law that she herself promoted and defended in Congress? Sexual relations between children and adults are a crime punishable by imprisonment. A child cannot have sex with whomever he pleases, Mrs. Montero.

“This is corruption of minors and apology for pederasty”…