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Organisation – Gender Identity News for the Mainstream

About Us


Our Approach

Women are human beings. We believe the gender identity ideology movement dehumanizes women and girls. Women are not a concept in a man’s brain, a feeling a man has, a costume a man puts on, a type of performance, a state of nirvana a man can achieve through drugs, a dysphoria that haunts a man’s mind, or disease to be treated with pharmaceutical medicine or surgery. The human rights of women and girls on the one hand, and the rights of people born male who self-classify as women on the other, have been set up as a zero-sum game. Legal protection of women’s and girls’ human rights, including those fought for over centuries, and still being fought for in much of the world, are sacrificed in favor of the rights of men who declare themselves women.

Women are Human, which was created in March 2018 and fully launched by June 2018, is dedicated to exploring the totalitarian impact of the gender identity movement on society as a whole, and particularly on women and girls, in every aspect of life, from identity, legal rights, health care, privacy, safety, sexuality, participation in sports, careers and politics, and more. We are a non-partisan group, formed by a political moderate who is assisted at this time by several political leftists and one political moderate. Our target audience is the everyday person. Our goal is to education and spur our readers to take social, political and economic action, and to provide the information and resources with which to do so…
